around the web (election edition)

Left-leaning commentator Benjamin Studebaker makes the case against Biden in the general.

Along similar lines, Chris Hedges' rant from 2016 on Democracy Now! is airtight (then and now). [YT - starts at 1:37] Jimmy Dore cuts it off after his speech so I don't know if Amy Goodman replied. She was later a Russiagate scammer so am guessing she was flabbergasted by so much unvarnished truth pouring out of one person's mouth.

James Howard Kunstler is so mad about the Russiagate scams and Democratic incompetence (such as engineering the nomination of a right-wing near-vegetable), he's actually going to vote Trump. JHK's to my right on race and immigration issues but he writes as a lifelong Democrat fed up with the mendacity.

Economics prof Michael Hudson explains how debt jubilees worked in ancient societies (pre-Roman Empire) and why something like that would help to get us out of our present mess.

PDF of 1995 Art in America article on abstract painting in Texas


(These thumbnails aren't click- or tap-able; please read on.)

Finally getting around to learning to make PDFs with LibreOffice.
I started with the .tif scans I used for this "poor man's PDF" a while back.
The scans were of pages from a 1995 Art in America article on abstract painting in Texas, featuring David Szafranski, John Pomara, Jeff Elrod, yours truly and others.
The .tifs were huge -- like 24 MB per page, at 300 dpi. I loaded them in the "Draw" portion of LibreOffice and exported them as a PDF, reducing the dpi to 150 and choosing jpeg compression at 85%. Voila, a legible PDF at only 2.6 MB. Feedback/comments on this would be appreciated, since I plan to do more of these.