web app art - tm
Canvas Painter
Am experimenting with this HTML 5, canvas-element based paint program. A bit vector-y for my taste and I don't like the involuntary anti-aliasing of edges but I really like this "random jackstraws" brush, which allows for some non-mushy blending a la the old MS Paintbrush spraycan tool.
building utility
Made this using an interactive page designed by Duncan Alexander. You can drag elements around, resize them, and change the colors of the "window" elements by double-clicking them. The image above was made before I saw the note about double-clicking so I worked with the colors the screen gave me initially. Caveat: better screenshot something you like--after I made this I double-clicked a window and was not able to get that same combination of colors again. Also, note that refreshing the page gives you a new selection of shapes and color combos. Minor questions aside, the program is recommended as a hybrid of art, game, experimental platform, and lark--Peter Halley might be especially interested in it as a way to test out some new designs for his paintings.
Dump in Cubes
Duncan Alexander created a page that loads images from the main dump.fm chat room into the three visible facets of a cube seen in perspective. (Wait a few moments for the first image to load--possibly not work safe). The images change rapidly or not depending on how active the main room is. Below are some screen shots showing different states of the cube(s). My blog format isn't wide enough to show all three cubes so they are cropped.
non-logged in view in Firefox (mouseover)
logged in view in Firefox
logged in view in Firefox (mouseover)
view in Internet Explorer (mouseover)--whoops, kinda messed up; the triangular shadow becomes a gray rectangle, among other issues