manning shiered


Unilateral collaboration consisting of a Michael Manning painting I scrambled in a Chris Shier web application, with the pattern above chosen from a moving field, then cropped.

In electronic music terms, Shier's app functions partly as a filter, partly as a delay unit. A stationary image is sliced into pixels-wide bands; when you move your cursor the bands become "echoes" of the original image in the form of hundreds of micro-offsets. These create blurry trails with varying degrees of overlap, depending on how much you move the cursor. It's more complex but that's the basic idea.

Manning's recent images consist of touchscreen paintings with menu-selected brushes, textures and hues; am guessing these are "augmented finger paintings" and not done with a stylus. He has made them on the iPad as well as with Windows 8 demo screens inside the Microsoft Store [alien country for the Apple-brainwashed creative elite -- obligatory dig --ed.]. The buildup of color, washes, and calligraphic line in digital gesture painting can be seductive but let's remember the original AbEx artists also employed cinematic scale, gloppy physical media, and the athleticism of pushing the glop around with long-handled brushes. They would have laughed to see people making micro-movements on a TV screen and then saving them as jpegs and PNGs. The "action painting" model has been pretty thoroughly discredited but those are the reasons it's in museums, at any rate. Am possibly more interested in Manning's steady output of tiny de Kooningesque and Twomblyesque color-spasms as performance-cum-notation having to do with "available technology" and the instant masterpieces "apps" promise to deliver than some electronic de-reification of the earnest Real of gestural abstraction, although both motivations might be present. Also they are pretty, and it's always good to annoy the Marxist art-as-hair-shirt crowd.

optidisc 3D


woodfloors made this version of the venerable OptiDisc gif
Don't break it on my account, wf, but if you're going to mess with it might as well go all the way. (Looks great.)
Wf has a web app he's working on that enables you to jack with the disc in many other ways but until it's Windows-friendly it doesn't exist -- just kidding! Meaning I haven't played with it yet.
File under: anti-contemplative

more chris shier ... collabs (?)




Screenshots of my drawings on this page (resized and made into square format)
Make your own 2001 ending - fairly mindblowing mandala-maker - I like how asymmetry and decay is factored in.
Added the question mark after "collabs" because we need a better word for joint image-making -- collaboration implies back and forth, give and take in the making of a single work. These Shier drawings are two steps, where most of the brow-furrowing occurs at the design step.

Added a blog category web app art - tm for this type of two step work. My input in these varies from most to least.

more drawing in chris shier's canvas 05



full-size version

Following up on two earlier posts, I'd been describing the scrawls you can make in Shier's interactive drawing pad 05 as "fleeting" but Shier told me you can click in the image and freeze the pattern on the screen (while continuing to add to it). The top image revisits my grid with that in mind and the bottom image (reduced and sharpened - see original screenshot) is done on Shier's server. The very non-Greenbergian nickname for the latter is Aladdin's Lamp in Space.

drawing in chris shier's canvas 05 (dump version) (gif version)


slightly longer GIF

shier's website
dump version of canvas 05 (draw and screencap your own!)

cursor = "the artist's hand" (mine)

"canvas 05" isn't an official title, as far as I know -- need to call it something -- Shier numbered it 05 and it's made with the HTML5 canvas element that, along with the iPad, is supposedly going to redefine the web as we know it. Shier's project and the attempts here to interact with and bloggerize it feels slightly like "leaving the zone of audience comprehension," as Frank Zappa called it. Critics are needed who can talk helpfully about this stuff -- evaluating each stage of production, and speaking to the tech as well as the art of it. (E.g,. "The algorithms are sleek but the self-appointed performer/documenter's hand gestures and screenshots seemed hurried. One longs for the days when ineffable abstraction existed only on actual, physical canvas, etc etc.")
