"Vacation Pitch"

Vacation Pitch screenshot

"Vacation Pitch" [.mp4 video removed]

Based on material recycled from a post by jeff at Double Happiness.
All the visuals and vocalese came from there (plus one sound bite)--the music is mine and is the only thing added besides editing and compression artifacts.

Update: One link from a travel spam blog--we're off to a good start.

John Pomara Video Remixed

john pomara remix screenshot

"John Pomara RMX" [15 MB .mp4]

Artist, old friend, and unwitting collaborator John Pomara sent me a low res .mov of a video he's showing in his current solo show. The imagery relates to his current series of paintings and ink jet prints, discussed here. Like a cad (as opposed to a CAD) I did a remix of the video (mostly for length but with a few aesthetic choices, too) and added my own music. Saved it from a .mov to an .avi and back to a .mov so it's muy mushy. This is low rent industrial media art offered with no apologies. Resemblance to anything 8-Bit or Carsten Nicolai-ish is purely intentional (at least on my end).