"Winged Man" (video)

"Winged Man" [Vimeo] [Embedded Version]

I recycled the pixel field GIF from "Gridhopper" for this somewhat less multimedia-y video.
Am interested in combining lo-fi computer graphics with "simple waveforms" analog sounds -- it seems right even if there's no theory for it.
The soundtrack is below:

"Winged Man (audio only)" [mp3 removed]

The Chambers Pavilion

I have some work in the Digital Art Biennale, titled "The Wrong" (front page / explanation), based in Sao Paolo, which opens today. Invited curators created online pavilions for artists' works. Mine is in a Sara Ludy-organized site called The Chambers Pavilion (site / jump page). Below is her flyer and announcement for the show.

The Chambers Pavilion exhibits 11 new works from artists who were invited to create sound rooms accessible online. The Chambers Pavilion is an online pavilion created for the Digital Art Biennale The Wrong. Chambers opens on 11/1/13

Rene Abythe: http://aryl.ca/
Leah Beeferman: http://leahbeeferman.com/
Mitchell Brown: http://dublab.com/labrat/labrat-cantaloupe/
Robert Lorayn: http://robertlorayn.computersclub.org/
Austin Meredith: http://austinmeredith.com/
Tom Moody: http://www.tommoody.us/
Maryann Norman: http://maryannnorman.computersclub.org/
Alexander Peverett: http://alexanderpeverett.com/
Bunny Rogers: http://meryn.ru/
Chris Shier: http://csh.bz/
Krist Wood: http://kristwood.com/

Curated by Sara Ludy: http://saraludy.com/




Was trying to think of when you might want to watch a cursor moving through a sound file.
For any reason besides "we at Soundcloud needed a gimmick to keep your attention while you listen to music here."
Perhaps if the wave had an interesting shape and the sound was somewhat intriguing and there was some obvious, necessary correlation between the two.
So I made this [Vimeo] as an experiment. [Embedded version]
Had been wanting to post that bit of electronic music but it needed something more. This might be it.

Modular Conveniences 2 (Video)

Another multimedia journey (joke):


Artistic "problems" continue to be "worked through" on Vimeo (a more self-deprecating blogger might add, without the pesky inconvenience of an "audience").
In this case, the problems of how modular synth "monads" interact with found and manipulated video "entelechies."
Remove scare quotes for approximate meaning.