Video documentation of studio installation: [22 MB .mp4]



[moving this over from another hosting account, which I am closing soon]

In retrospect, I should have put the handicam on a tripod -- too late now, one of those CRTs blew up during my last show and I, uh, elected not to repair it.

NJ to NO (and Back) (video)

Vimeo, 2 min 24 sec



You call these music videos "non-videos"?
How is this different from a home movie?
You tell me!
Is there a reason why the editing stops being in sync with the music after the first 25 seconds?
I realized I didn't have enough clips to do that kind of cutting throughout.
Did you really submit a video like this to a video festival one year?
I did. I thought it would be better than someone's ideologically correct vision. There's politics in here if you look, though.

Update: More annotations

Tiny Gargantuas (video)

Vimeo, 2 min 7 sec



You call these music videos "non-videos"?
Don't you think people deserve to watch something dynamic while listening to a tune?
Many YouTubes just "sit there."
Don't you want people to be excited watching you dramatically turn knobs, like Skrillex?
Are you really hitting the "play" key here, or is that faked?
That is done live.

And in case you missed them:

Orch Gathering
Rhythm Study No. 5
Rhythm Study No. 7
Rhythm Study No. 2
Rhythm Study No. 12
Paint Trail
New New Wilderness

Orch Gathering (video)

Vimeo, 1 min 16 sec



So far these little non-videos have been extremely unpopular, so I know I'm onto something.
The Eurorack array seen in earlier non-videos (top) has been pared down to modules actually in use (except for a Doepfer FX module, which just sits there).

And in case you missed them:

Rhythm Study No. 5
Rhythm Study No. 7
Rhythm Study No. 2
Rhythm Study No. 12
Paint Trail
New New Wilderness