Night at the Ex

"Night at the Ex," video by Jacob Stein: [YouTube]

Cropped clip [405 KB .gif -- looping]

Cropped clip [881 KB .mp4 -- html page removed -- no loop]

The Stein vid was posted in the comments to Nasty Nets. It's a camera following a girl in battery-operated devil horns as she walks around a fairground with Beck's "Gamma Ray" on the soundtrack. Banal, ordinary but very watchable, lots of depth and multilayered movement. In the clip I made, note all the levels of action going on simultaneously: boys running through funhouse tube, jumping, turning to the right, tube rotating, girl swiveling head, devil horns blinking, carousel lights flashing in the background, guy at back of tube who might be filming (?). De Palma-esque trigonometry on a budget.

John Pomara Video Remixed

john pomara remix screenshot

"John Pomara RMX" [15 MB .mp4]

Artist, old friend, and unwitting collaborator John Pomara sent me a low res .mov of a video he's showing in his current solo show. The imagery relates to his current series of paintings and ink jet prints, discussed here. Like a cad (as opposed to a CAD) I did a remix of the video (mostly for length but with a few aesthetic choices, too) and added my own music. Saved it from a .mov to an .avi and back to a .mov so it's muy mushy. This is low rent industrial media art offered with no apologies. Resemblance to anything 8-Bit or Carsten Nicolai-ish is purely intentional (at least on my end).

2006 performance vid

2006 Performance Screenshot

excerpt from Suite 6 (Live): [29 MB .mp4]

My first and only public appearance to date performing my own tunes, at artMovingProjects on May 19, 2006. It was billed as a lecture/performance because I expounded on the gear between songs. Thanks to Aron Namenwirth for the videography and Justin Strawhand for digitizing the video. Neither of them is to blame for the compression artifacts from shrinking the files for the Web--that was my doing.