abandon hope all ye who pay here


This is Wikipedia's choice of photo to accompany its article on Paypal. Scary, huh? The headquarters seems to reside somewhere in Stephen King's The Mist; the sign out front looks like shopped-in CGI.
A brilliant photo.



Neptune out your car window. From a series of digi-visualizations of what other planets would look like from Earth if they were same distance away as the Moon.

Let's forget that if you saw this image you'd probably be dead as Earth was assaulted by unimaginable tidal forces.

Update: Jon Williams: "Fact-checking Tom Moody on the Neptune Roche limit. (It's true! The earth would be torn apart!)" Hey, I know my science fiction. The Jupiter and Saturn pics are even more preposterous. And the photo-collager is a "former NASA art director" -- not to say that people associated with the space agency can't indulge in wild, impossible flights of whimsy.

rio player, part 2: the cabling

Pretzel showed us his Rio player but we had to rely on Wikipedia for an explanation of the parallel cable used to transfer mp3s in and out of the player.
Here is a follow-up webcam from the P-man showing us the cable, and it's satisfyingly clunky indeed for our vision of an alternative future steampunk Earth where Apple never existed:
