starburst variations

starburst on canvas stretcher

starbust (installation polaroid)

starburst (blue)

top to bottom: digital photo, 2008, of MSPaintbrush image xerox-printed and wrapped around canvas stretcher (just the paper and staples), 1999, 12 x 9 inches; polaroid of wall installation, untrimmed xerox paper, map pins, 2002, approximately 6 x 4 feet; another photo (scan of slide) of the "stretched" version that shows even less about its fabrication.

Just Products, 1996-2007

Ludwig Schwarz

Ludwig Schwarz, Untitled, box tops, tape, 1996

Tom Moody

Tom Moody, Wicked Summer Brew, six pack containers, 1996 (hat tip JP)

Tom Moody

Tom Moody, Two Granolas, product boxes, tape, 1996

Daniel Argyle

Daniel Argyle

Daniel Argyle, Untitled, 2000, installation: two readymade cardboard washing powder boxes, dimensions variable. (hat tip GG-F)

Tom Moody

Tom Moody, Assorted Packages, product boxes, 2007

Ludwig Schwarz

Ludwig Schwarz, Untitled, 32 coffee containers, 1996

Ludwig Schwarz

Ludwig Schwarz, Untitled, box tops, 1996