"LML Mini"

"LML Mini" [mp3 removed]

Concise rock'n'raver. This could be fleshed out with tracks for cymbals and bass (and more length) but it's working OK for me in sketch form. (Some of the drum hits are sliced samples from a '60s biker film and the beat is a famous psychedelic trio's riff.)

last.fm page


Thanks to WIZARDISHUNGRY for motivating me to "claim" my last.fm page. I added a photo (a still from Aron Namenwirth's video), a bio, and uploaded a song. Am not sure how much of my material I will ultimately put up there but this feels better than a blank page. I'm posting this screen shot to memorialize the "similar artists"--Love Like Deloreans, Gilles Deleuze, whoa. Click box for clearer view. (Not sure who saw me play live in Southampton, as I have never been there.)

"Pretty Killbots II"

"Pretty Killbots II" [mp3 removed]

A second version of a tune posted at the end of last summer, with a couple of new themes added that fade up about halfway through.
Killbots were the stars of the '80s slasher classic Chopping Mall. Teens stay overnight in a discount furniture store after the shopping center closes, have sex in the showroom beds, and get punished by the mall's new foolproof security system, consisting of impenetrable outer doors and roving, adolescent-slaughtering robots. This is everything you could want in a movie and even includes Paul Bartel and Mary Woronov at the beginning explaining the security features to the mall "suits."

Update: Here are three well-chosen frames from the movie.

"Beatburning Suite"

"Beatburning Suite" [mp3 removed]

Found an old file where I was playing various drum loops and made a "suite" out of it. The synth is the Linplug Alpha (a gem). Not to be confused with Wolfram Alpha, the utility that did not save the world.