"Software Caddy"

"Software Caddy" [mp3 removed -- a newer version is available on Bandcamp]

A slab of techno-primitivism (more than usual). All done in Reaktor - two sequences, some muting/unmuting of tracks. The variations are programmed into the presets (which I "tuned" to get this group of six percussion instruments) - don't know if there's any randomization or if it's LFOs sweeping various parameters - should re-read the manual.

"Vocoding in Tongues"

"Vocoding in Tongues" [mp3 removed]

Same piano and percussion softsynth as the previous piece but this is a song (under one minute), with granularized vocals. My better tunes seem to happen right after ones I busted my back over.

"Variations for Element P and Piano"

"Variations for Element P and Piano" [mp3 removed]

Have been continuing to add to this earlier-posted piece for piano and an FM-ish percussion softsynth, in 3/4. It's done now, at 3.5 minutes. Was hard to get the "wrong" piano notes exactly right. I took down the "second stage" and deleted the post. Here's what it said:

...This is getting a bit brittle and spiky--will probably add a softer section after this (if I decide to keep going with it). Working on "Minuet McArdle" got me thinking about chords, which I hardly use, except for pads, that are automatically "chorded." All these were arrived at pretty much one chord at a time, one note at a time. There is no tonal theory other than "I want it to be dissonant, or 'bluesy,'" or "I want it to change mood," or "Now it needs to sound angry" or "how is this working with the synthesizer?" Changed the name from "Peon Element." Was going to call it "Peon Element Extended" but that sounded too much like a male enhancement product.

"Theme Nine including Untitled 2"

"Theme Nine including Untitled 2" [3.3 MB .mp3]

A saxophoneless "Theme Nine for Saxophone" with a Sound Club tune of Travis Hallenbeck's sutured into the middle. The pads are from Project AKO (a 4Hero alias), mid '90s. The drums are cut up Les Baxter.

Title inspired by the inner sleeve of the first King Crimson LP (1969 - vinyl release), where almost all the songs had "including" in the title: "21st Century Schizoid Man including Mirrors," "Epitaph including March for No Reason and Tomorrow and Tomorrow," "Moonchild including The Dream and The Illusion," and "The Court of the Crimson King including The Return of the Fire Witch and The Dance of the Puppets."

king crimson 1

king crimson 2