"Thx for the Add (2019 mix)"

"Thx for the Add" [3.8 MB .mp3]

Revised version of a track from November 2011.

2011 notes: "This starts all 8-bit* then a secondary theme comes in [consisting of] MIDI controller-controlled CVs altering a [modular] synth's** filter cutoff (pitchbend) and pulse width (mod wheel). At about 1:30*** the 8-bit part drops out and the secondary theme continues over various Reaktor Nanowave patches playing the main theme. It ends with piano..."

2019 notes: Edited to remove needless repetitions of themes. Piano part revised and re-recorded.

*Not sure what module -- possibly the Doepfer A-112 sampler.

**Not sure what module -- something with pulse wave, obviously.

***1:00 in the revised version.

"Surface Variation (2019 Mix)"

"Surface Variation (2019 Mix)" [Bandcamp]

This track was first posted in 2012 and then remixed in 2015 for the Meta Dance Classic LP on Bandcamp. Lately I started thinking the omnipresent kick drum was too boomy so I shortened its decay time. Then I started adding notes and chords to the song while chopping out sections to shorten the overall length. Rather than re-upload this version I'm posting it here (for now). (Update: I decided to re-upload the new version on Bandcamp.)

Hypercylinder (new Bandcamp release)

Am pleased to announce my 32nd Bandcamp release, Hypercylinder [embedded player removed].

Liner notes for the LP:

Compositions for piano, synth, and percussion.
The synths and softsynths include Moog Subsequent 37 CV, Vermona Perfourmer, EMW Wave Composition Oscillator, U-He Diva, Plogue Chipsounds, Tracktion RetroMod Fat, and Elektron's Machinedrum and Octratrack sequencers.
Also employed was Tracktion's MIDI "Pattern Generator" for Waveform 9, which provided rough drafts of the many rhythmic chord patterns in these tracks.
"Rutabaka" is found audio from "the crates," heavily rearranged.
All songs produced April-October 2019.

If you'd like to support this blog (now in its 18th, ad-free year) buying the occasional Bandcamp song or LP is a great way to do that.

"Stock Phonography"

"Stock Phonography" [4 MB .mp3]

This song was an experiment in converting a lengthy atonal work -- Karlheinz Stockhausen's Mixtur (1965-7) -- into a short tonal work. File under "bratty."
I took snippets from a vinyl version of the Stockhausen, looped them, layered them, reversed them, etc. There is a certain ready-made consistency in the raw materials here, because KS had already electronically processed the piece's orchestral sounds -- he used a sine wave generator and ring modulator to slightly distort the live performances.
Am happy with the remixtur of the mixtur but it doesn't really fit in with my recent LP releases so I'm posting it on my blahg.