"Oort Lover"

"Oort Lover" [mp3 removed]

This short atmospheric techno stomper includes a looping guitar-and-Moog sequence by John and Brad Moody (my nephew and brother, respectively).
They just sent it to me today and it meshed/contrasted nicely with the drum patterns I was working on.

"Scratch and Sniff"

"Scratch and Sniff" [mp3 removed -- an accelerated version can be heard on Bandcamp]

At 100 bpm, this track is in no particular hurry to explore semitone permutations using the new Lazerbass (TM) softsynth. That instrument is supposed to be used for hard as fuck, glass popcorn-style dubstep, not galumphing musical tortoises.

"Three Sequencers"

"Three Sequencers" [3.2 MB .mp3]

Not too long ago Marc Weidenbaum asked on his twitter what would be an audio equivalent of an animated GIF. This is my proposal. It would have to be (a) short, (b) a loop, (c) digitally timed, (d) compellingly misaligned in some way, (e) easily grasped by the listener but containing some subtleties that reveal themselves in repetition, and (f) pattern-based. Obviously we're talking about the more abstract GIFs here, not a seagull strolling into a convenience store and stealing a bag of chips over and over.

Here, three sequences play simultaneously. Two are the same note pattern played on different synths a few steps out of alignment. The third is a different, mostly rhythm pattern. Some unexpected syncopations, polyrhythms, and polyphonies result.

"Dub Mechanic 2"

"Dub Mechanic 2" [mp3 removed -- a remixed version can be heard on Bandcamp]

The 303-style bassline previously posted as "SeaQuencher," with added drums and multilayered synth riffs. About 15 tracks in all; this just kept expanding.