
"Mutator_uLFO_40+41" [mp3 removed]

Same setup as the previous post but the "staccato" modular tune is played dry (without the Mutator) and wet, then the two parts are overtracked offset a fraction of a second apart to make a round. Kind of pretty - and short!


"Mutator_uLFO_38+39" [mp3 removed]

MIDI notes trigger a modular synth patch. The monaural patch output is converted to stereo/autopan in the Mutator filter. The filter is in turn modulated by an envelope signal via the Mutator's "ext" input (the EG is triggered by an LFO from the uLFO module). This creates an echo sound but it's really just a pulsation as the wave diminishes. Two tunes were recorded and then overtracked.

"Triangle and 8-Bit Delay," "Pulse and Triangle and 8-Bit Freeze"


"Triangle and 8-Bit Delay" [mp3 removed]

"Pulse and Triangle and 8-Bit Freeze" [mp3 removed]

In these tracks MIDI piano roll notes trigger very basic modular synth patches and some very basic effects. Overtracking is used to stack tunes. These sound like chiptunes but they are just waveforms that are really...basic.

Update: Added a couple of bars to "Triangle and 8-Bit..." to make the middle section more coherent.

"The Sad Knife Missile"

"The Sad Knife Missile" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

Another FM7* ditty - I made these patches mucking about in the "operator matrix." Out of kilter "Are 'Friends' Electric?" reference, I realized after the fact. The grittier, high pitched sounds are the Doepfer A-112 in pitch-shift mode.
Just finished reading (and enjoying) Iain M. Banks' book Matter and the title is a nod to his futuristic warfare tech and sentient spacecraft that are sad when they die.

*The FM7 softsynth was patterned on the classic Yamaha FM synth from the 80s, the DX7. Native Instruments made the usual improvements and now calls it the FM8 but I have pretty much no interest in upgrading. Instrument design, like website design, never gets simpler and more elegant - it just fills up the product with more stuff.

"Synthpop Affinity"

"Synthpop Affinity" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

More tunes from the FM7 softsynth (a bass sequence and a sample and hold break), accompanied by the drum sample kit used in the last music upload (backwards cymbals, too).