"Country Dance Nebbish"

"Country Dance Nebbish" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

...picking up where I left off before Father Influenza came to visit with his bag of magic Virions...

A well-tuned piano sits down with a not so well tuned or behaved modular synth for some slight contrapuntal exercises. Another experiment with using the Doepfer Quad ADSR as a sequencer.
(The "sudden loss of power" effect at the end resulted from unhooking the 1V/Oct cable from the buffered multiple -- kind of dramatic.)

"Knife Missile's Return"

"Knife Missile's Return" [mp3 removed -- this track is now on Bandcamp]

An earlier-recorded beat (from a Richard Devine preset) loops in the ADDAC wav player module. The ADDAC's envelope follower uses the loop's rising and falling gain to trigger a filter-and-volume contour for another oscillator (to make the droning sound in the first half).
I had to manually set a Cubase tempo to match the ADDAC loop (93.5 bpm). Then I could add the melody parts (also modular-made, with some reverb and delay) and some additional percussion.

"Xylodrome (Devine Sinebeats Mix)," "Xylodrome (3 Module Mix)"

"Xylodrome (Devine Sinebeats Mix)" [mp3 removed]

After writing about Richard Devine I recorded a couple of his presets for Reaktor's Sinebeats instrument.
Sinebeats has four channels of electro sounds playing simultaneously but you can selectively mute and unmute channels. That's what I did here on a single patch. Then added a melodic sample-based intro and ending, sandwiching the beats. Very little of this is real time -- had to cut up the Devine beats one bar at at time and suture them together to make the rhythm.

"Xylodrome (3 Module Mix)" [mp3 removed]

Done entirely on the modular synth. One sample module playing beats (a stripped-down hi-hat run from the Devine recordings); another sampler plays a chunk of the earlier-posted "Xylodrome" riff, mixing wet and dry filtering; and the "soprano" part is done on a wavetable module. As you can hear, changing the sample rate changes the pitch but also the speed of the sample (i.e., no timestretching normalization). This gives the impression of trying to have a rave with frequent brownouts.

"The Sining"

"The Sining" [mp3 removed - please listen on Bandcamp]

Beats from Reaktor's Sinebeats virtual rhythm synth (presets + tweaks). The main synth line is another sequencer's preset (with some notes muted) playing a heavily altered factory patch in the Reaktor Nanowave wavetable synth. The high pitched chromatic part near the end is another Nanowave patch played more or less in unison with the (hardware) modular synth to give it a little more cv-syncopation-juice (I wrote the pseudo-arpeggiation in a MIDI piano roll). This is a little peppier than the last few tracks posted.

"Triphop Plateau"

"Triphop Plateau" [mp3 removed]

More Octratrack (groovebox); instead of factory samples, these are scraps of my own recurring output in continuing recombination. More flute! Also syn-sax, scratches, and cowbell.

Update: Heh, well, my inner techo critic told me there wasn't enough going on here to make a three minute song, so it's now a 2.5 min. song.