"Slight Technical Difficulties," "Moon Monitor 2"

"Slight Technical Difficulties" [mp3 removed -- later version is on bandcamp]

Another modular synth ditty, with an underlying intrusion of what the modular websites like to call "FM madness." The bass is the same pattern as the chime but with the Doepfer Quad ADSR syncopating it heavily.

"Moon Monitor 2" [mp3 removed]

A brief detour back to the Octatrack sequencer -- was testing out the delay and lo-fi FX using "scenes" and decided this sounded better than a test.

"Rack Dance"

"Rack Dance" [mp3 removed -- a remixed version of this track appears on Bandcamp]

Have been lurking around the Modular Grid website lookin' at folks' racks.
It's the ultimate gear fetish display, which also functions as a modular planner (as in, giving you exact numbers of modules that fit in a Eurorack case, power requirements, etc).
This inspired me try writing something for five synth voices on my own humble rack.
The only thing non-modular here is some percussion in the background.

"Tiny Horns," "Drone College"

electribe rmkii

"Tiny Horns" [mp3 removed -- tune is now on Bandcamp]

"Drone College" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

Have been using the Octatrack sequencer to sample other gear: in this case the Korg Electribe rhythm synth above is MIDI-slaved to the Octatrack, which records several bars of audio when you hit "play." Then other sounds can be added on top of those beats. As recording fodder, I am using some of the Korg preset patterns, cutting out what I don't like and rewriting some of those beats. Once recorded, it's much easier to string together a song in the OT than it is in the Electribe itself, owing to a more generous display and better programming.
Why use the Electribe at all? For an inexpensive box it has a wealth of interesting, knob-tweakable, analog-modeling DSP sounds.

"Thx for the Add (Subtraction Mix)"

"Thx for the Add (Subtraction Mix)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

A melange of Reaktor motifs, some used previously, some not: Nanowave, Sinebeats, Rhythmaker. "Performed" in Reaktor, recorded, cut into .wav files a few bars in length and then "orchestrated" in Cubase.

"Plaid Curtains"

"Plaid Curtains" [mp3 removed -- updated version is on Bandcamp]

The Linplug RMV virtual beatbox recently updated. The promise of improved stability lured me back to experiment with the "loop mode." These are basically pre-sliced beats that can be exported as MIDI files. I have up to seven tracks of these going, with some individual beats from "pads" (not the same as synth pads -- these are digital drumheads) riding on top. I liked the textures but the rhythms seemed naked without some lush synth cake-icing, so I went back through old tunes and pulled up earlier-used confectionary softsynth etherea in the form of Absynth, Reaktor Subharmonic, and FM7 patches.