"Cryptkicker (2013 Mix)"

"Cryptkicker (2013 Mix)" [mp3 removed]

A track done in 2006 that I "retconned." (That is, made it sound more like the stuff I'm doing now.)
The first 45 seconds are the same but in the '06 version all I did was repeat that material for four minutes with slight variations.
This version is shorter, with "dropouts" and piano and bass parts added.


"Inkling" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

The Sidstation is a synth built around the sound chip for the Commodore 64 (a 1980s home computer). The Octatrack sequencer that I used to make this track (triggering the Sid and recording its notes) originates with the same company, many years later. (Am trying to avoid writing ads here - if I wanted to read them I'd spend more time on Twitter.)
This starts out video-game-y and then changes gears with some fuller-sounding beats sampled from... another company's product.

"ChamberVirus 2013"

"ChamberVirus 2013" [mp3 removed]

A redo of a 2006 tune that I modestly described as:

Tech house Morton Subotnick using 2 softsamplers and some Access Virus effects sounds and drum hits from the Drat Fink Archive.

It's not house but more like polyrhythmic chamber music (that modesty again) using commercial, dance-oriented electronic drum samples. In 2013 (yesterday) I shortened it, added a wistful pad melody so there is more contrast with the pristine elements and the blatty noise music.

"Squid Station"

"Squid Station" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

Used the Octatrack to midi-trigger and record the Sidstation synth (pulled out of mothballs) for some gritty and grumbly 80s computer game-type sounds. The only thing not Sid here is a piano line based on a slightly distorted Rhodes sample.

"Where and Who"

aerobic screenshot

"Where and Who" [mp3 removed -- a revised version of this track is on Bandcamp]

Used another Reaktor synth, "Aerobic," to crank out some remix fodder (ten loops in all) that was then moved over to the Octatrack, where it was layered together and augmented with some piano and more synth. The dopy slap bass riff at :17 is a preset and I did most of the rest. The ending is kind of pretty.
First messed with this instrument five years ago, when I posted the above screenshot. Time flies when you're having beats.