Miscellaneous song remixes

Did these mixes in August and decided not to post for whatever reason. All were put up previously, going back to 2005. Some were drastically shortened (commensurate with their number of musical ideas); others were re-"mastered" as my skills in that area have (only) slightly improved.

"Sacred Elephants (Aug 2013 PSP Mix)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

"Godhopper (Short 2013 Version)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

"Slow Hooterville (Short 2013 Version)" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

"Permanent Chase (2013 Mix)" [mp3 further revised and moved to Bandcamp]

"Winged Man" (video)

"Winged Man" [Vimeo] [Embedded Version]

I recycled the pixel field GIF from "Gridhopper" for this somewhat less multimedia-y video.
Am interested in combining lo-fi computer graphics with "simple waveforms" analog sounds -- it seems right even if there's no theory for it.
The soundtrack is below:

"Winged Man (audio only)" [mp3 removed]

"The Lost Gig (Acid House Version)"

"The Lost Gig (Acid House Version)" [mp3 removed -- tune is now on Bandcamp]

Continuing to experiment with Octatrack features and effects:

--Altering sample rates of drum samples (for example, the tom roll is a slowed-down clap)
--Using a "neighbor machine" for a primitive effect chain (as in two effects, but hey, I'm still learning, and had been wondering how to apply delay and reverb to the same track)
--Autopanning two tracks using inverted LFO waveforms so two loops crisscross throughout the song (the bubbly sounds are some "Fog Computing" riffs run through the Mutator filter and sampled).

The NI Massive tremelo-y patch I wrote and used in "The Lost Gig" makes another appearance halfway through. That's me playing the numerals 3-5-2-3 on my alphanumeric computer keyboard.

Update: Bumped the volume on the "bubbly" parts of this. Revised and reposted.

"Fog Computing (Drum Solo)"

"Fog Computing (Drum Solo)" [mp3 has been moved to Vimeo]

Applying some tutorial-acquired knowledge of slicing, retriggering, timestretching and sample-looping in the Octatrack. Working with some of the same riffs from previous tracks, and some added "gnarly" sounds from the Doepfer A-112 sampler.

"Fog Computing Variation"

"Fog Computing Variation" [mp3 removed -- tune is now on Bandcamp]

Spent some time crafting a bleep in the modular. An LFO was triggering it about 127 bpm. I added pitches and made a tune, recorded it, and then played it twice, four steps apart, to create a delay.
Then parts from "Fog Computing" were added, and some beats. It needed more so I wrote some softsynth tunes as counterpoint and imported them into the Octatrack. The USB cable is moving a fair amount of audio back and forth between the Octatrack and PC these days, at least until something is finalized in one or the other location.
This is pretty spare, robotic, and demo-like, but that's intended.