Am pleased, and yet, humbled, to announce a new LP on Bandcamp: Recombinant Youth.
10 tracks, mostly recombinant in the sense that they rework, tighten, and rearrange songs posted during my "free download" era. Not because I'm out of ideas! Songs that seemed complete at the time but regrettably short in duration have been raided for juicy motifs and otherwise treated as mashup fodder in these new, longer tunes.
This is my seventh release in 2014. Your support in the form of buying the LP or songs would be very encouraging, but all the material can be streamed.
music - tm
Recombinant Youth - LP Liner Notes
Notes for the Recombinant Youth LP on Bandcamp. These are mostly tech jottings so I remember what I did. Any thoughts, questions, etc on the music itself are welcome at the email address on this about page -- the contact form on Bandcamp also works. Most of this LP's tracks consist of reworkings, tightenings, and/or rearrangements of songs posted during my "free download" era. Tunes that seemed complete at the time but regrettably short are raided for motifs and otherwise treated as mashup fodder in these new, longer versions.
1. Kicking Boy 02:54
Features the beginning and ending of "Kicking Boy," with "Double Carbon" beat-synced and sandwiched in the middle.
Kicking Boy notes: 8-bit flavored electro house; most of the sounds are analog synths, multitracked. (I think the main melody is Reaktor Photone with some analog filtering, however.) Normally I write tunes in the MIDI piano roll but the main one here was pecked out on the computer keyboard: D5D3 / D5D3 / D5D3 / DQQQ2 / D5D3 / D5D33 / D5D3 / DQQQ2.
Double Carbon notes: Bluesy (?) micro house. A five note synth riff changes in real time as virtual knobs for its bandwidth and cutoff frequency are slowly turned. At the beginning only two of the notes are heard; the other three are just percussive hiss--the tune emerges gradually. A 4/4 analog kick commences, then three percussion tracks, layered together. Synthesized strings introduce another riff, playing in rough counterpoint to the first. The strings drop out, then most of the percussion, returning us to the beginning, slightly altered because the exact knob positions aren't duplicated.
2. Tripod Shuttle 03:19
Initially, two Reaktor Limelite patches ("Tripod" and "Shuttle") were recorded and mixed down to eight loop files. I wrote a couple of the riffs and kept one in particular "straight up" from Limelite. I moved the loops over to the Octatrack and applied timestretch so I could interweave them into a new tune. For this LP version, new riffs were added, mostly using Native Instruments' Massive synth, in attempt to mask/counterpoint/add interest to the Limelite presets.
3. MSHouse Nation 02:48
This closely follows "MSHouse Nation (FM4 Edit)" but with chunks whacked out to pick up the pace. The rhythm track was done with the Electribe Rmkii groovebox; Reaktor's Carbon 2 and FM4 synths were used for the keyboard parts; some additional bass and percussion was added. The coda is new.
4. Ethereal Serial 02:21
Doepfer mini-synth, Vermona Kick Lancet, and two Reaktor synths (Rhythmmaker and three Titan patches). The hardware devices give the sound a plausible bottom and slight unpredictable lurch. For the LP version I moved the "marimba" section to the beginning and then had it reprise at the end, with some added MIDI echo/arpeggiation effects. Also layered in (because the beats fit perfectly) is the entirety of "Nine Inch Bells (Hardware Version), an older tune re-ordered and played in the Octatrack groovebox. The title "Ethereal Serial" is an in-joke for fans of Robert Downey SENIOR.
5. Plaid Curtains 02:26
This closely follows the previously-posted gratis version but again, with excisions to speed it up. Rhythms are made with the Linplug RMV virtual beatbox, in "loop mode" (pre-sliced beats that can be exported as MIDI files). I have up to seven tracks of these going, with some individual beats from "pads" (not the same as synth pads -- these are digital drumheads) riding on top. I liked the textures but the rhythms seemed naked without some lush synth cake-icing, so I piled on the Absynth, Reaktor Subharmonic, and FM7 patches.
6. Rack Dances 1-2 (Sadly Massive) 03:56
Extensive rearrangement and interpolation of four tunes: "Rack Dance," "Rack Dance 2," "Sadly Massive," and "Robot Jox (Ethnic Forgery)."
Rack Dance 1 notes: Composition for five synth voices on Eurorack modular synth. The only thing non-modular here is some percussion in the background.
Rack Dance 2 notes: Octatrack arrangement of sampled, modular synth recordings. Six 64-step loops (two with beats, four with synth lines), all recorded with sounds from some combination of Eurorack modules. The beat loops are sliced and individual slices are played as added beats, some with reverb and retriggering effects. The beats were originally digital rhythm synth hits, saved at 22.5 KHZ sample rate and played with the ADDAC wav player, with LFO-d analog filtering that varies the pitch and texture.
Robot Jox (Ethnic Forgery) notes: Have been working on Reaktor "sample maps" of previously-used percussion hits and modular synth recordings, which can then be plugged into various Reaktor instruments. This one uses a modular synth map as the sound source in Krypt (a granular ROMpler).
Sadly Massive notes: The drums are the pseudo-tribal congas from "Robot Jox (Ethnic Forgery)" with some additional technoid beats. The melody is a patch I made in Massive, played live on the computer keys (then edited and pitch-shifted to keep time with drums).
7. New Shortcut Medley 02:59
Extensive rearrangement and interpolation of three tunes: "New Shortcut," "Out for a Jaunt," and "Nano Crunchy."
Nano Crunchy notes: For the original tune I wrote "This starts with a sad, chromatic-ish nursery tune and goes all Black Dog about halfway through." For the LP version I added beats to the "Black Dog" part and moved it to the beginning of the medley. The sad tune comes in around the midpoint.
New Shortcut notes: MIDI drums and some FM percussion accompanying "live" Eurorack synth leads. One channel is WMD's Gamma Wave Source wavetable oscillator, with its table of harmonized sine waves swept by an ADSR signal via control voltage. These sweeps themselves change pitch according to simple MIDI sequence. The same sequence is also triggering a synth in the other channel (Tiptop's Z3000, I think) - also a sine with slight FM modulation and heavy tremolo (almost like a "phone off the hook" sound). The nursery room melodies of this and many other recent songs are inspired by the idea of what Carl Orff called "streetsongs" - simple figures anyone can play as an ensemble. In other words, they're almost willfully singsong-y and dumb. I have mixed feelings about this but I think it's intentional. In any case, the timbres of the electronic instruments are the main focus here.
Out for a Jaunt notes: Messing with the Doepfer A-112 sampler module and Reaktor Rhythmaker softsynth (independently of each other; the results are multitracked). Almost nothing in here escapes a tweak or an automation curve. The sampler makes the 8-bit quasi-exotic-bird sounds, some of which are further timestretched in Cubase.
8. Field Whimpers 01:48
Echo-y metallic percussion riffs from the tune "Clangs and Whimpers" were grafted into a later tune "Field Dwellers."
Field Dwellers notes: Samples from Native Instruments' Battery's kit "In the Field." Some orchestral sounds, scratching and glitching combined with basic drums.
Clangs and Whimpers notes: Reaktor's MMMD or minimal morphing machine drum and various Reaktor effects.
9. Shortwave Spectacle (Electropercussion) 03:09
The intro is a riff from "Shortwave Spectacle," consisting of autopanning tremelo sequences piled on top of each other, a "bolero" type rhythm, and a confectionary piano-ish tune. The tempo and mood changes somewhat arbitrarily with the appearance of a second tune, "Electro Percussion Demo Plus 4 Basslines." NI Massive riffs have been added to the latter for the LP version; the basslines are Reaktor Titan and Grobian.
10. Pulsewidth Placeholder 02:20
The intro is a modular/analog "pulsewidth" oscillation riff from the end of "Sonar Death Ray II," with heavy digital effects and a canned beat underneath from Steinberg's Loopmash ROMpler added later. Once again, there is an abrupt change of mood and tempo with the appearance of an earlier tune, "Placeholder." Some of the effects stuff from the beginning is used in the "drum break" of the second tune so there is some continuity.
Critical Weekend Work (new Bandcamp release)
Am pleased, and yet, humbled, to announce a new LP on Bandcamp: Critical Weekend Work.
10 songs, mostly previously-unpublished.
Experiments with field recordings begun on the 40 Yards from the Machine release continue: recordings from the transit system and my kitchen, and spoken words. Extensive use of the "Household Kit" of samples described here, at varying speeds and grains, is made throughout.
This is my sixth release in 2014. Your support in the form of buying the LP or songs would be very encouraging, but all the material can be streamed.
Critical Weekend Work LP - Liner Notes
Notes for the Critical Weekend Work LP on Bandcamp. These are mostly tech jottings so I remember what I did. Any thoughts, questions, etc on the music itself are welcome at the email address on this about page.
1. Grove Street 01:05
A basic melody done with the modular synth (specifically the Doepfer A-111-5 mini-synth) is augmented with a field recording from, er, public transit, drums from Steinberg's "Groove Agent" (yeah baby yeah), and some overtracking to make the harmony at the very end.
2. Skiffle Capacity 02:16
A variant of the "Grove Street" melody, with added parts played on various synth and/or sampler modules (Doepfer mini-synth, WMD Gamma Wave Source, SID Guts, Doepfer A-112) using the Elektron Octatrack as a MIDI controller. For all that, this wasn't working for me until I added the bassline, dubbed in with NI's Massive softsynth. The middle section is the Octatrack arpeggiator ringing changes on the basic synth lines. This sounds fairly spontaneous and hyperactive but was assembled a few pain-in-the-a** bars at a time. There is a second bassline done with Linplug's Element P percussion synth that peeks out at the ending.
3. The Persistence of Marimba 02:50
Yet another variant of the "Grove Street"/"Skiffle Capacity" tunes. Some of the same instrumentation as "Skiffle Capacity," with added percussion from the Household Kit samples (see previous LP) with heavy chorus and delay. The "marimba" is NI Massive.
4. Kitchen Drone 03:04
Shameless banging around on the Household Kit samples (finger snaps, pan lid, rice shaker, chair thump) using the Octatrack sequencer's MIDI out, converted to CV/gate and triggering the samples in the Qu-Bit Nebulae granular sampler module. The heavy "rave" chords at the end are NI Massive.
5. Cloud Tenders 01:40
An assortment of beats made with the Octatrack as a MIDI controller and two sampler modules (ADDAC wav player and Doepfer A-112) playing Household kit sounds. The sampler outputs were recorded straight (as simultaneously recorded mono files) and then a second group was created running those same beats through Steinberg's Step Filter effect (the "wah" sound at the beginning). After quite a bit of moving all these beats around in Cubase, pads and bass were added from Absynth (the very pretty "Nausicaa" patch) and NI Massive. Lastly, drums: patterns I wrote for the "vinyl kit" in Battery.
6. Grave Wobble 01:56
A tune from three years ago, reworked and tightened up, with some added parts. The wobbly bass patch is a softsynth called the MiniTera that was a freebie with some gear I bought, even longer back. The drums are a "synthesized kit" playing in Linplug's RMV software beatbox. The ascending whine during the "drum break" is the Qu-Bit Nebulae run through a hardware filter module, with a long LFO sweep.
7. Cloud Tenders 2 01:52
Similar process to Cloud Tenders, different pads (mostly NI Massive), with increasing amount of MIDI echo and arpeggiation effects within Cubase.
8. Stabs and Slabs 01:50
This was all done in the Octatrack, first laying down Household Kit beats, then adding piano and synth samples. The "rave-y" melodies are done note by note, adjusting the pitch and/or sample rate of each keyboard "stab."
9. Baby Boom/Critical Weekend Work 00:55
A three channel sound art piece, made with vocal samples loaded into the Qu-Bit Nebulae and messed with (speed, grain, start time, grain size, etc.) The middle channel is the same LFO-swept recording used in "Grave Wobble." The vocals in that channel are inaudible, it's just stuttering of a very small chunk of the words "baby boom."
10. Skiffle Capacity Reprise 01:09
The final appearance of the "Grove Street"/"Skiffle Capacity"/"Persistence of Marimba" tracks. The ethereal-sounding intro is NI Massive played with Steinberg MIDI echo and/or arpeggiation effects.
Household Kit (new Bandcamp release)
Am pleased, and yet, humbled, to announce a new LP on Bandcamp: Household Kit.
10 songs, mostly previously-unpublished but with a some older tunes remixed to the point of unrecognizability.
Experiments with field recordings begun on the 40 Yards from the Machine release continue: after the first tentative trips to the deli with my wav recorder (which people assume is some kind of phone) am now making more adventurous forays into the streets and subways of Manhattan. Some new modular gear is also explored.
This is my fifth release in 2014. Your support in the form of buying the LP or songs would be very encouraging, but all the material can be streamed.