"Cumulative Beats 2"

"Cumulative Beats 2" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

A less noisy version of this tune, reconstituted using the Elektron Octatrack, with more house-esque beats and a new end section using the sliced Adventure Kid/Inspektor Gadjet single-cycle waveforms ("AKWF_granular_32.wav").


"Bjarney" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Continuing with the house tempo. Sound sources include sliced and rearranged '70s e-piano (from vinyl) and analog synth chords and a bass line from a non-house tune I did. This needs speakers that can play bass to be heard "as intended."

"plEBE," "Respiration 1-2"

"plEBE" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

"Respiration 1-2" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]
Started re-listening to house records from about 15 years ago and decided to work some of my current ideas into that format. "plEBE" is the more conventionally structured of this pair, "Respiration 1-2" is the avant garde B-side.

"Toy Piano"

"Toy Piano" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

See notes to "Cumulative Beats," below. Other ingredients used here are some riffs composed in Mulab, a sequencer program I've been enjoying (while I still have Windows).

Am thinking of this song is an unofficial tribute to Charles Ives -- no, really.

"Cumulative Beats"

"Cumulative Beats" [mp3 removed -- a revised version is on Bandcamp]

The white noise leaking all over this is a feature. Lo-fi beats are triggered in Eurorack digital modules (e.g., ADDAC 111 wav player, Qu-Bit Nebulae), then assembled in Ableton. In this tune and "Toy Piano," am using Ableton's audio-clip-to-MIDI conversion programs to play around with tunes that are already recorded (and the hardware settings would be a pain to duplicate). Ultimately MIDI is used twice, once to trigger the hardware, once to edit notes in the resulting recording. Fun!