"GVCO" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Using the Doepfer A-155 to make a "graphic VCO" - essentially a sequence of LFO signals played at audio rate to make a custom waveform.
I also played the steps at a slower speed to make tunes. The result was then treated with some voltage controlled effects and massaged in Ableton. Then drums and some softsynth riffs were added.

"Cloud Tenders (Techno Version)"

"Cloud Tenders (Techno Version)" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

160 bpm minimal techno -- the pad is a chord from a Battery kit and the drums are Ableton's TB-606 kit. The rest is modular synth (especially the Doepfer A-112 sampler) given various effects treatments. I find this kind of a sinister, yet fun.

"Sequence of Sequences," "Eight Gates" (faster)

"Sequence of Sequences" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Using a modular (hardware) sequencer to make riffs, internally clocked until ready to record, then clock-synced to Ableton using the Expert Sleepers "SW Sync" software. The recorded chunks of audio are then manicured in Ableton so they mesh together better when multitracked.

"Eight Gates" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

The tempo for "Sequence of Sequences" is 140 bpm, which made this previously-posted track seem sluggish. So I increased the Octatrack tempo, re-recorded it, and reposted.

"Eight Gates"; "Perfect Waves" (again, but with beats)

"Eight Gates" [mp3 removed -- revised version is on Bandcamp]

Done with the Elektron Octatrack, with some modular synth beats I kept leaving out of other tracks. Some of the "stabs" used to make tunes were fished out of Reaktor groovebox sample maps about 10 (?) years ago. Update: Changed the tempo from 120 to 140 bpm; reposted.

"Perfect Waves" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Posted earlier, and updated repeatedly, this now has beats. Update: Continuing small edits.

"Perfect Waves"

"Perfect Waves" [mp3 removed -- revised version is on Bandcamp]

Various sampler and wavetable modules are played with Expert Sleepers PC-to-cv hardware, then mixed as audio loops in Ableton. One Ableton pad is used to sweeten it up a bit. The finished track is then sped up, 16 percent faster.

Update: Let's call this work in process. Now that it's posted and I hear multiple "issues" requiring tweaks. This recent music is a bit like filmmaking where you go on location (recording riffs on the modular synth, with certain sounds coming out of a particular hairball of patch cords, which may be lost once the cords are removed) and then back to the editing room, where you realize you don't have all the "shots" you need and have to compensate for it in post-production.
"Post" in this case means taking some of those modular riffs, slicing them in Ableton and re-pitching and re-sequencing the notes. I can hear several instances where I want to do that here. Also eliminating repetition -- the more I listen the more critical I get of sequencer redundancies.

Update 2: Snipped out 13 seconds and changed some notes and volume levels; re-uploaded.

Update 3: A few changes to the ending; re-uploaded (again).

Update 4: Beats added because I felt this had no "bottom"; re-uploaded (yet again).