"Working Lurker"

"Working Lurker" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Beats: Elektron Machinedrum (these were not made by the previous owner -- they are step-keyed by yrs truly)
Softsynths: Loomer Aspect, Calf Monosynth
Recorded and arranged in Ardour (Linux version)

Am a few songs shy of the ten needed for Generic PC (Vol. 6), so this is the next installment.

Generic PC (Vols. 1-5) are available for modest prices on Bandcamp.

desktop computer photos, new Bandcamp release(s)






I made these images as cover photos for my newest music release, Generic PC (Vols. 1-5) on Bandcamp. 50 songs from 2016 -- please buy some, for the music, or, if you prefer, to support the efforts of the last blogger on earth.

These aren't old PCs but rather, a form of personal rebellion against the "design award" aesthetic for computer hardware, popularized by the late, unlamented Steve Jobs.

Just stick some wires in them and they work; they don't have to look "cool."

"Exhilarating Aspect"

"Exhilarating Aspect" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Recorded and arranged in Ardour (Linux version)
Featuring: Elektron Machinedrum, Loomer Aspect softsynth (as a VST in Ardour), Calf Fluidsynth with E-Mu Orbit soundfont kit (also as a VST in Ardour).

Most beats on the Machinedrum were "found" (i.e., left in ROM by the previous owner). I tweaked them quite a bit, but, hat tip to GYS for making them.

An upbeat song (after the first few bars) to celebrate [see private Facebook group].

"Refrigerator Drumming 3"

"Refrigerator Drumming 3" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Recorded and arranged in Ardour (Linux version)
Featuring: SIDGuts Deluxe module, Doepfer A-154/A-155 sequencer, Elektron Octatrack and Machinedrum

Some beats on the Machinedrum were "found" (i.e., left in ROM by the previous owner). I tweaked them quite a bit, but, hat tip to GYS for making them.

Field recording: fingernails drumming on refrigerator butter compartment, refrigerator hum.

"Three Claps Dub"

"Three Claps Dub" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

Recorded and arranged in Ardour (Linux version)
Featuring: SIDGuts module, Doepfer A-154/A-155 sequencer, Elektron Machinedrum

Some beats on the Machinedrum were "found" (i.e., left in ROM by the previous owner). I tweaked them quite a bit, but, hat tip to GYS for the three claps, etc.