aeon flux vhs vs dvd: Utopia or Deuteranopia


screenshot from Bregna 2415 (resized) [dead link]

In the '90s, MTV, between the "shitty music video" era and the "spring breakers" era, briefly hosted some trippy animation. Aeon Flux emerged then, under the direction of Peter Chung, who was 30 at the time, with all imaginative pistons firing. Shortly thereafter MTV released the three seasons on VHS tape, and in 2005 Chung remastered the tapes and re-released them on DVD. To the annoyance of some fans, he added new dialog to four of the shows. He claimed this was to bring the characterizations of Aeon Flux and Trevor Goodchild "into better continuity with the series as a whole." New dialog was also written for the character "Clavius," former leader of Bregna. Three of the episodes he altered ("The Demiurge," "Reraizure," and "End Sinister") were directed by Howard E. Baker, a fourth (this one, "Utopia or Deuteranopia)," was directed by Chung himself. Here are some belated notes on the changes to:

Utopia or Deuteranopia
Presumably this means a better society, with or without rules. It should probably be spelled Deuteronopia, after the biblical book Deuteronomy
Opening title includes the sentence "It's none of Aeon's business, but..." [sentence removed in DVD version]
Trevor Goodchild in voiceover:
There can be no justice where there is no truth. What is the truth? Tell me if you know and I will not believe you. Things are never what they seem. Clean gloves hide dirty hands, and mine are dirtier than most.
Trevor Goodchild in voiceover:
The unobserved state is a fog of probabilities. A window of and for error. The watcher observes; the fog collapses; an event resolves. A theory becomes a fact. What is the truth? Tell me if you know and I will not believe you. Things are never what they seem. Clean gloves hide dirty hands, and mine are dirtier than most. Without truth there can be no justice.
Aeon: My name is Aeon Flux. I’m here on a mission to assassinate Trevor Goodchild. Is everybody listening? Do you believe me? Am I confessing? Aeon: My name is Aeon Flux. I’m here on a mission to assassinate Trevor Goodchild. Is everybody listening? Do you believe me? Everybody happy?
Trevor, watching surveillance footage shot by his government's cameras:
So many people with so much to hide.
They know what's wrong and they don't listen.
These are the new rules: No more hiding. There's nothing to lose but shame, inhibition, perversion. All the good things in life.
Trevor, watching surveillance footage shot by his government's cameras:
What is this? Look, let's not even bother with those idiots, just show me some action.
[narrating action on video] Aah, going somewhere? Vacation -- for ten years?
[phonetic -- spoken over footage of bigwig being spanked by dominatrix] Counsel Gaiman!
You know the rules. Total information awareness. Equal opportunity enforcement. We are not losing anything but shame, inhibition, perversion, depravity, degeneracy, debauch... [interrupted]
Gildemere: Listen, I think I’m being watched. There are things I have to do. Keep this safe here. Gildemere: Listen, I think I’m being watched.
Aeon: You don’t miss a trick.
Gildemere: There are things I have to do. Keep this safe here.
Clavius, awakening from machine trance:
A bed... A hole... The crickets...
Clavius, awakening from machine trance:
I want out... I want out... ohh...
Clavius, watching surveillance footage from government prison cells:
Valentine, Orillian, Mustafa. Impossible. Diacono. What is this?
By locking them up, Trevor has shut down the flow of funds, you fool.
Not to mention that they're some of my best friends. Why is there no air in here?
Clavius, watching surveillance footage from government prison cells:
[phonetic] Paysok. Andrus. Turkaloo?! Who did this? They've rounded up the whole network!
By locking them up, Trevor has shut down our base of credit, you fool. These men are my special friends. Why is it so hot in here?
Clavius, talking with Gildemere:
No, the flying saucer men are the flying saucer men -- Nowzak! Galaxy 66! The evil empire! What's wrong with you? When the orbital jellyfish umbrella is deployed we'll have round-the-clock defensive capability.
Shut up, mother! [weeps, laughs]
Clavius, talking with Gildemere:
No, the flying saucer men are the flying saucer men -- Narzak! Area 66! The global empire! What level are you? We're men of peace so we attack. Deploy the orbital jellyfish. Next, expulsion of all foreign particles.
Shut up, mother!
We can do the air... Fecal matter... I don't know [weeps, laughs]

other comparisons: The Demiurge / Reraizure / End Sinister

Update: This is my own comparison and transcription, based on review of the VHS and DVD versions of this episode. After posting (sigh) I found this tumblr post [dead link]. I made a few tweaks to my chart based on that transcription.

from the recursive vault

Was thinking about recycling some older posts and fixated on this one from 2006, about computer artists' "make a Pollock" utilities.

Before posting I did an online search for some dead links and realized I recycled the same post six years ago (albeit sans photos, which have now been added back in).

File under: "You know you've been on the internet a long time when..."

link rot central: IMDb reviews

IMDb hasn't been quite the same since Jeff Bezos bought it. But until recently you could link to specific comments; now you can't.
I have several posts linking to comments by Ted Goranson (tedg) that are dead links.
This post, A Tale of Two Film Critics, quotes some tedg language re: one of the Michael Bay Transformers movies. The only way to find the source now is to go to the movie page [Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)] on IMDb, sort comments by "prolific reviewer," scroll down, and pray. Now there's progress!
Goranson has made a couple of attempts to archive all his reviews on his own site. The current archive has no mentions of "Transformers" prior to 2010.

link rot central: "the weak universalism," "in defense of the poor image"

When you call yourself e-Flux you have carte blanche to change URLs whenever. It's like, flux, man.
Many links on to Boris Groys' essay "The Weak Universalism" recently went dead. :(
That's because e-Flux changed the URL of the article, without a "redirect."

The old link was

The new link is

You may recall that e-Flux made a bid for art world power by trying to buy the .art domain -- it paid $185,000 to apply, and lost.
Given its level of cyber-competence we dodged the proverbial bullet in more ways than one!

Update: Also changed with no redirect was Hito Steyerl's essay, "In Defense of the Poor Image."

The old link was

The new link is

It's ironic, of course, that this cyber-failure occurred with respect to two essays about poor and weak art. As noted a few years back (the links don't work):

exhibition idea: the Poor Image ( ) vs the Weak Universal Gesture ( ) - which is paltrier?


It's never too soon to be nostalgic for, the chat-with-pics site that imploded last year, sucking years of creative work into a server farm black hole.
Searching "amazonaws" on my own site yielded a number of dump images that survived the collapse, including the one below, posted by user larsdk.
[Full sized replacement version] [Amazon-hosted original]


Viewed now, it has a "party's over" vibe, even with those mounds of unsnorted blow. "Marina staring at museumgoers" was touted as some kind of relational aesthetics (i.e., warmed-over 1970s conceptualism) but the real relational aesthetics were Marina-staring memes jumbled in with web artifacts such as IKEA furniture, Solo Jazz cups, and magenta sex toys, all projected against a white background on Plato's virtual cave wall.