An installation shot of the "Forest Blob" animated GIF, shown with a projector, at the Honey Ramka opening last night.
Heuitae Yoon, who randomly came to the opening wearing that hat, was photographed by the stunned gallery.
Also, thanks to Diana Kingsley for this phone video documentation of the GIF: [1.3 MB .MOV file]
The crowd schmoozing makes an appropriate soundtrack.
art - tm
"Control Panel" opening tonight
Micah Ganske, Warhead (detail), 2014, PLA polymer and acrylic, 45" x 24" x 30", work from the "Control Panel" exhibition, opening tonight in Bushwick.
Just a reminder that I'll have work in the show. I'll be exhibiting a -- wait for it -- animated GIF. Hope to see you there.
spiral drawing (animated)
remix of SeacrestCheadle animation of restaurant napkin drawing (in this version the spirals have mostly gone missing)
spiral drawing - restaurant
Thanks to mirrrroring for this photo of a spiral drawing on a restaurant napkin (I was demonstrating this zen nervous habit to a friend of his). As with most of these, the napkin ended up in the wastebin, so here it is for the ages: