Drawn with Linux MyPaint.
art - tm
sketch_l5 (CC_1477)
Made with Chibi Paint, Linux MyPaint, and GIMP.
A redo of one of my Computers Club Drawing Society drawings, with fake drips and textured background added.
When I worked in acrylic I also used to add fake drips after a drawing was finished, to give the impression of painterly gusto.
I would put down a spot of color, load the brush with water, push down, and let gravity do the rest.
See, e.g. 24 drawings like the above.
Drawn with Linux MyPaint.
Brushes are bit like softsynths in music -- they are presets that someone worked out with an idea in mind but they can be tweaked for a different idea.
Am not sure what the "alien egg" texture was intended for originally but I doubt it was an alien egg. That required using several other brushes in combination.
sketch_l2 (one layer)
Drawn with Linux MyPaint. An alternative version has a foreground layer with some organic machinery. Still mulling that one over. Am kind of enjoying the "fake painting" status of this. Digital painting tools result in a jpeg resembling a plate in a modernist art textbook, circumventing the messy production phase.