Drawn with Linux MyPaint, Krita, and GIMP.
Recycled "machinery" from sketch_l4a
art - tm
Small Model Internet in The Wrong Biennale
I have some work in the second Digital Art Biennale, titled "The Wrong", based in Sao Paolo, which opened Nov. 1. Invited curators created online pavilions for artists' works. Mine is in a Valentina Fois-organized site called Utopia Internet Dystopia. From Fois' about page for the show: "For many of us the Internet has been anticipated as a technological utopia, framed by the rhetoric of hope, for some others the internet symbolises a dystopian future/present. As technology is advancing fast, issues such as privacy and surveillance are arising even faster. I have invited some artists, whose work I love to share their thoughts on the internet: Utopia? Dystopia? In the middle?."
My piece is titled "Small Model Internet" (original / annotated)