Image (converted to grayscale) from the "Pre-Post-Internet" exhibition checklist [4.7 MB PDF]:
Orb Grid
laser prints, linen tape
91” x 77”
Image (converted to grayscale) from the "Pre-Post-Internet" exhibition checklist [4.7 MB PDF]:
Orb Grid
laser prints, linen tape
91” x 77”
thanks to Claire Corey for the instagram documentation and kind words
From the exhibition checklist:
Tom Moody
Orb Grid
laser prints, linen tape
91” x 77”
installation view from Honey Ramka's Instagram (hashtag #tommoody)
screen captures of video from Instagram:
installation view [5.9 MB .mp4]
OptiDisc closeup [3.6 MB .mp4]
Honey Ramka website; "Pre-Post-Internet" exhibition details
Replacement TV for Vermiform Animation installed yesterday at Honey Ramka. Above is a still from the gallery's video loop on Instagram (hashtag #tommoody).
Clip from instagram video: [4.9 MB .mp4]
photos from my show at Honey Ramka, Pre-Post-Internet, manually retweeted from Travis Hallenbeck's twitter account:
thanks, travis and mika