my show at Honey Ramka extended to Jan. 28

Many thanks to artefuse for this Instagram photo of my show at Honey Ramka gallery. The run of the show has been extended to January 28, 2018.
Am not on Instagram due to a limited supply of dopamine but I appreciate the pics of the show posted at #tommoody (which can be captured and "returned to the commons," at least until Zuck can figure out how to disable screengrabs in people's devices).

Here is a capture of the original post:


“Viewing photos with many (compared with few) likes was associated with greater activity in neural regions implicated in reward processing, social cognition, imitation, and attention” --PubMed

"Pre-Post-Internet" documentation, cont'd

My show at Honey Ramka gallery in Brooklyn ends January 21 January 28 [extended one week --tm] . If you are in NYC, I hope you can come: people say "the work looks different in person." Meaning the details of hand-assembly of many of these objects is difficult to convey in photos; photos only approximate the full experience, etc. All that said, I'm continuing to post "crowdsourced documentation" (i.e., photos gallery visitors posted to Instagram and Twitter) since that's the record I'll ultimately have of this momentary blip in time and space. Below is an Instagram pic of Double Buckyball (hashtag #tommoody) by Rachel Selekman, followed by a detail of the same work from Joe Milutis's Twitter @FailureAWLife.


Detail from @FailureAWLife (larger view):


From the exhibition checklist [4.7 MB .pdf]:

Tom Moody
Double Buckyball
ink, paper, linen tape
74” x 56.5”

The printed material in the molecule's negative spaces consists of pages from a pixel art discussion forum, from 2004 (that is, pre-post-internet).