found drawing altered in MSPaintbrush; .bmp filed saved as .png
art - tm
my show at Honey Ramka ends today
"Pre-Post-Internet," the exhibition, ends today. :-( Thanks to Honey Ramka for installing, displaying, and documenting the show -- it was a pleasure working with them. And thanks to the Frieze Teens group for visiting last week. (Photo via the gallery's Instagram hashtags #friezeteens, #tommoody, #prepostinternet)
That's Jesse Martin of Honey Ramka in the center of the photo. Some photos and commentary by Frieze Teens member weirdaesthete are below.
F-Factor 2, installation view
at Honey Ramka gallery, Dec 2017-Jan 2018
Thanks to weirdaesthete of the Frieze Teens group for this Instagram photo (hashtag #tommoody) and the nice commentary