art - tm
"PAUSE (prelude)" exhibit in Munich
A version of my OptiDisc animated GIF will be in a show next week at Munich's Haus der Kunst. The show opens July 21, 2018 runs through July 29 (announcement below), and is presented by Künstlerverbund im Haus der Kunst. The co-curators are Courtenay Smith, Albert Coers, and Alexander Steig.
OptiDisc (Paused) [1 MB .GIF] adds a one-second pause after five loops of the GIF. This imitates the DVD version (video), which "hangs" at the reset point.
Many thanks to John Romero for his projector-friendly version, which spared me having to convert the GIF frames to .mp4 or some abomination like "webp" or "gifv." He embedded the GIF in an html container, allowing crisp, non-blurry resizing. Eventually I'll be doing a "7 on 7" with John, where I act as technologist and make all his concepts unworkable.
So for the "PAUSE (prelude)" show I'll have an ironically DVD-imitating GIF that hasn't been turned to mush in the conversion process. (The DVD version is usually shown on a CRT screen, which disguises some of the artifacts, but this way I don't have to ship one to Germany and fret about calling the CRT doctor.)