flipped version of image posted (or reposted) by foot
art - others
repair pair
top: Nina Katchadourian, photo from the "mended spiderweb" series reviewed in Art in America and Artforum and originally shown at Debs & Co gallery in New York City
bottom: Image from some dude's tumblr found on the Superamiga tumblr (cropped)
Screencap of animation - the moving version on spudoogle.com writhes, wobbles and rotates in a self-contained ballet of antipodean "wrong motion."
From Mike Francis, whose TM-ucce blog is no longer being updated.
Francis, Jeffrey Henderson, Jasper Elings and others make a convincing case for twisted uses of Autodesk Maya and its equivalents. Still making mental notes for an essay on self-aware uses of failed modeling "as art."
electromechanical paint effects dot biz
Fabian Oefner:
"The shapes you see in these images are about the size of a thumbnail. They are created by mixing ferrofluid with water color and putting it into a magnetic field.
Ferrofluid is a magnetic solution with a viscosity similar to motor oil. When put under a magnetic field, the iron particles in the solution start to rearrange, forming the black channels and separating the water colors from the ferrofluid. The result are these peculiar looking structures."
More photos, and video demonstration.
via dataisnature
Eventually I'll stop making dot biz jokes but the reference is to Paintfx.biz, a dormant site that celebrated (?) digital painting techniques. Oefner's images above are electromechanically produced, then drastically enlarged and made into digital photos. They are the art equivalent of the tone wheel generators used to make crude additive synthesis in Hammond B-3 organs, employing magnetic heads in proximity to spinning gear-like discs to create sine tones, which are then blended using the organ stops. In these images a magnetic plate forms patterns, which are disrupted with syringes squirting pigments into the matrix.