

Collect the WWWorld sets out to demonstrate how the Internet generation is implementing and developing a practice started in the Sixties by Conceptual Art, and further developed in subsequent decades in the forms of Appropriation Art and postproduction: the practice of exploring, collecting, archiving, manipulating and reusing huge amounts of cultural material produced by popular culture and advertising.

remix explained, discarded, finally


"Remix" was already a well-worn DJ term by the mid-'90s but the internet's favorite generational solipsist Brad Troemel seems to think people started using it 5-6 years ago. The historical gaffes in his writing (such as pegging surf clubs as elitist when the biggest gripe about them at the time was they had no standards) make you wonder about his editors. The chart above (from his latest screed) seems to rather state the obvious and if you're going to call an essay "The Word 'Remix' Is Corny," you might give some thought to how "progressive versioning" rolls off the tongue.

Troemel cites Rauschenberg's Erased De Kooning Drawing as an example of an "A-to-B Remix." Retroactive continuity aside, that's really an excellent example because Aphex Twin and Omni Trio were so well known for turning other people's recordings into virtual silence.

more drawing in chris shier's canvas 05



full-size version

Following up on two earlier posts, I'd been describing the scrawls you can make in Shier's interactive drawing pad 05 as "fleeting" but Shier told me you can click in the image and freeze the pattern on the screen (while continuing to add to it). The top image revisits my dump.fm grid with that in mind and the bottom image (reduced and sharpened - see original screenshot) is done on Shier's server. The very non-Greenbergian nickname for the latter is Aladdin's Lamp in Space.