green check pattern via stage
animation - others
Thing, Other Dumps
above: GIF found by j1p2m3 that I messed with: I can only describe this as a "thing."
other recent dumps:
julian opie like abstract walking gif by Seacrestcheadle
my remix of mirrrroring's oceanic Mac (black and white static version)
Update: glitchy animated antlers dumped by ahem (original series came from dataswitch- scroll down)
magnetic mayan field
^ my remix of a couple of dumper-found gifs.
Other new work from by yrs truly, others:
rotating wire and un-infinite fill clouds
excellent remix of rotating wire and uninfinite fill clouds by jeanette, which i'm calling "picasso meets nintendo clouds in hell"
3D printers aren't quite there yet
kill all guitarists
dragon by stage approaches kid vid
hat tip for sasha and stage for eye
Update: Was guessing about who posted the sasha image; speculation removed. Please let me know if you know for sure.