taken from a color GIF an artist sent me or linked to when i had my digitalmediatree blog. i changed it a lot and don't remember who did the original - this was 5 years ago prob.
animation - others
white horse animation
by Wild_Hearts, remixed by me (removing color, stretching, cropping?--i forgot what all i did to it)
steve glitchhead
this was a spontaneous collaboration with ahem on dump.fm; i posted it on Sept 23, 2010. i cropped the grid out of someone else's glitch gif and enlarged it; ahem shrunk it and put it on steve jobs' shoulders and then i played around with it more to make it messier and nastier.
the message, for me at least, is simple and juvenile: i hate steve jobs; i hate his turtlenecks and smug face and faux holy man demeanor. and i hate all his products (except my old mac se, which is broken).
completely unrelated:
too much force, by crunkus
"who put krazy glue on this receiver?'
sasha grey eyebar, by ryder
tom moody removed his post, by crunkus, seacrestcheadle, and anonymous
the kraken wakes, by frankhats