animation - others
wavy tile loop
my remix of GIF posted to by frankhats
Update: somewhat related: bouncing colored ovals (another remix of a frankhats post)
I Don't Get It Goth
animated GIF by Ryder Ripps. Buried in this mass of fluctuating mixed signals is a stock photo of a middle aged man called the "I Don't Get It Guy." He has temperamentally scrawled "I Don't Get It" in horror movie letters on his own forehead and cheeks and scowls out at us from the inside of a sidereal time disturbance. Frankenstein's monster meets Kurt Vonnegut's Winston Niles Rumfoord, the aristocrat caught in a chrono-synclastic infundibulum who fades in and out of the plot of The Sirens of Titan. The IDGI guy is angry and alienated because Vvork and Rhizome will not reblog him and he is consigned to the "moderate to difficult" lane of internet art validation.