hat tip stanford robotics lab by way of lolumad and the "oie"
animation - others
moebioid blobs
remix of blob GIF posted to dump.fm by soupykatz
i like the pointillist effect this particular online image editor gives GIFs converted from color to black and white--kind of a Moebius (as in Jean Giraud) look, with tv static
nano frames
Update: have been working on a remix of a nanotech-related GIF posted by blingscience to dump.fm; above are some frames in a flatbed scatter arrangement. Noisia did a remix of the moving version that I paired with my "work in progress."
hi def lo def vs lo def hi def
GIF by mirrrroring places a GIF remix of mine (of a Stretch Armstrong vs Stretch Monster YouTube) on a monitor with far more dots per square inch than necessary. That is a reply of sorts to this GIF where I made a low res version of a high def oceanscape that mirrrrroring placed on an old Mac monitor: