gold machine cosmos


Made this GIF (the machinery part of the above) from a science animation I saved from dump a while back (also this one, where the motion goes two ways--poorly). frankhats incorporated it into a larger tiled page (layered with other images and patterns made by him, mirrrroring, and robocide) that is pretty spectacular.

I captured the frankhats page and made a single 1.6 MB GIF that isn't quite as detailed but features some of the high spots and is more portable. The GIF above is a cropped, 6 frame version of that one.

Am going to go on Craigslist and look for an art critic who can explain this work.

Update: Need some text filler (too close to the piano) so here's Leo Steinberg:

The flatbed picture plane makes its "...symbolic allusion to hard surfaces, or any receptor surface on which objects are scattered, on which data are entered, on which information may be received, printed, impressed - whether coherently or in confusion. It does not simulate vertical fields, but opaque flatbed horizontals. It does not depend on a head-to-toe correspondence with human posture, but insists on an essentially new orientation, in which the painted surface is no longer the analogue of a visual experience of nature but of operational processes… it is not the actual physical placement of the image that counts. It is the psychic address of the image, its special mode of imaginative confrontation, that tends to regard the tilt of the picture plane from vertical to horizontal and is expressive of a radical shift in the subject matter of art, the shift from nature to culture."

Update: Made a slight tweak to the 1.6 MB GIF version of the tile page. Still thinking about it.

BYOB NY - Documentation


These are GIFs I projected at the BYOB NY (bring your own beamer) event on November 12, 2010 at Spencer Brownstone Gallery in NYC:

Blue Bomb [projected GIF] [installation view GIF]

Gradient Squares [projected GIF] [installation view (left side) - 344 KB .mov]

Camping Chair [projected GIFs]

Turning Spheres [projected GIFs]

OptiDisc Classic [projected GIF]

OptiDisc Large Bits [projected GIF] [installation view - 2.9 MB GIF]

Pencil Test [projected GIF]

Square Homage Lamb [projected GIF]

Hexagons [projected GIF]

Projectors [projected GIFs]

Planetesimals [projected GIFs] [installation view (upper left) - 800 KB .mov]

Double Double Centrifuge [projected GIFs]

Buoys [projected GIFs]

Wireframe Tube Pair [projected GIFs] [installation view (upper left) - 454 KB .mov]

The installation video clips and the photo above are from a YouTube posted by BYOB NY curator Rafael Rozendaal. Thanks to users of who unknowingly contributed material used in some of these projections: FAUXreal, andrej, stage (Square Homage Lamb), noisia (Projectors), j1p2m3, stefan, and others. The GIFs were sized for a 800 x 600 screen (my projector dimensions) so they now have more white space around them (on most browsers) than they did in the show.

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quantum snowplow


large version

hat tip j1p2m3 - the original GIF was made by a wingnut who believes govt has the time and money to waste plowing and replowing the same snow; this person must not live in the US, where conservatives have cut municipal budgets to a barely functioning level. In my version, the plow is in a state of "smeared" quantum uncertainty where its function and even size is in flux - this is a metaphor for the mind of the modern Tea Party moron.



My rewrite of a gag GIF posted to by mirrrroring.* In the original the head slides off the pedestal and the artist stands there looking dejected. This rewrite is based on an old Mad magazine cartoon, which is much funnier. A sculptor knocks a chip out of a large rectangular column of marble and triumphantly declares, arms extended to the column, "I call this... Man's Inhumanity to Man!" A patron, who has watched the process says, "I'll buy it!" The patron then bends down, picks the chip off the floor, and says "Do you have a bag I can put it in?"

*original source pending