refrigerator monster


Am still finding GIFs I posted years ago that I was relying on HTML dimensions to enlarge, which became unfeasible when browsers all adopted the Safari model of making edges look as soft as a baby's skin (so you are protected from "jaggies" that might upset your web surfing mood). Am remaking them one at a time to look as they originally did on most browsers.

This one was made from individual frames captured from a popular anime series. It took forever. (Making GIFs used to be a struggle.)

animated GIF by gridworks1


posted to by gridworks1 (a. bill miller) and reposted on his blog.

From behind the datamoshed, invaginating pentagon of complementary orange and green, Saul Bass-like 50s movie title graphics peek out--or are they animated Joseph Albers Persistent Percussion LP cover motifs? You only have a few frames to make that determination before each geometric eclipse.

title unknown ("b")


animated GIF by 82times

82times has some programming chops and makes many of his GIFs with command line software, from what I've observed/overheard on dump. Not sure how this one was done but it looks like someone else's image(s) were significantly reduced. The suggestion of a photo-negative plate and badly-scrubbed data intrigues; at the same time there is a fair amount of information and movement here for a mere 41 KB GIF. And that greyed down mauve is to die for, as they say. Unlike many artists with tech savvy, 82times does not put out a press release with every image announcing his mad skillz. His understatement and willingness to play around, try things out, and change tone and style is much appreciated.