more chris shier ... collabs (?)




Screenshots of my drawings on this page (resized and made into square format)
Make your own 2001 ending - fairly mindblowing mandala-maker - I like how asymmetry and decay is factored in.
Added the question mark after "collabs" because we need a better word for joint image-making -- collaboration implies back and forth, give and take in the making of a single work. These Shier drawings are two steps, where most of the brow-furrowing occurs at the design step.

Added a blog category web app art - tm for this type of two step work. My input in these varies from most to least.

near-instant relevance


JL sent this screenshot and asks: "What is more New Aesthetic than a gif endlessly documenting the moment the Web 2.0 font kicks in?"

(Back story: James Bridle, currently enjoying a run on the art-and-technology websites, purports to identify a new tendency in computer-based expression, with examples documented on the above tumblr. He isn't terribly frank about his own role in packaging the concept -- a process as old as commercial art itself, including a designerly font face. His New Aesthetic is a kind of extruded hot dog filling of ideas "flaked and formed" from a variety of better-documented sources.) More.

Luckyplop version of above GIF.

spudoogle detail


Crop of a GIF by Mike Francis on the Spudoogle site (successor to TM-ucce)
(Keeping the file-size low -- apologies for the surgery.)
Check out Francis' video of a Kathleen Daniels song [YouTube]. She had a contest where she invited people to add visuals to her music - Francis lost :( but she commented on his YouTube "Well that is something." (The comment has since been removed.) Good artists don't always recognize other good art.