The Haunting of Hill House, Shirley Jackson
Upon This Rock, Book 3: Consider Pipnonia, David Marusek
The Dreaming Void, The Temporal Void, and The Evolutionary Void, Peter F. Hamilton
We Have Always Lived in the Castle, Shirley Jackson [review]
Redburn, Herman Melville
Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained, Peter F. Hamilton
The Gradual, Christopher Priest
The Evidence, Christopher Priest
The Hospital of the Transfiguration, Stanislaw Lem
The Invincible, Stanislaw Lem
Lavondyss, Robert Holdstock
White Fang, The Call of the Wild, and The Sea Wolf, Jack London
In the Ocean of Night, Across the Sea of Suns, Great Sky River, Tides of Light, Furious Gulf, and Sailing Bright Eternity, Gregory Benford
The Vicomte de Bragelonne, Ten Years Later, Louise de la Valliere, and The Man in the Iron Mask, Alexandre Dumas
Brighton Rock, Graham Greene
tom moody
"After Candy"
"After Candy" [please listen on Bandcamp]
[Note: embedded players -- which I basically hate -- are replaced with links when they move off the blog front page]
This was the first track I made for my current Bandcamp release, Chamber Bits. It's the ninth track on the release. In the opening segment, I am using a mouse to move a cursor around an X/Y grid, kind of like a joystick, which changes the timbre of the notes in real time. At the halfway point an "electro" beat comes in and the track kicks into higher gear. The beat is from an early-'00s softsynth that connotes "cool" and would be completely unacceptable in any classical or sound art repertoire (see my thoughts on interrogative use of the recently outmoded).
"Piano & Woodwind Improv"
I got busy and have been neglecting to promote my last Bandcamp release, from back in May. Here is the final track on the LP:
[Note: embedded players -- which I basically hate -- are replaced with links when they move off the blog front page]
That's me playing piano, with some segments translated to woodwind (recorder) via the magic of MIDI.
Playing skill, for me, is less interesting than the ear and editing. Tunesmithing is a matter of hearing melodies in clusters of played notes and then wrestling them into rhythmic and tonal coherence on the page (jiggering around the notation). Then it's a matter of arranging the revised clusters into a song-narrative.
The keyboard is a Native Instruments' Komplete Kontrol S49, and the piano is mainly "Berlin Concert Grand."
painting exhibition (Kate Petley, Lorraine Tady, Liz Trosper)
I submitted a review of to an art magazine of the following exhibition:
On Screen/Off Screen: Contemporary Painting and Technology
Kate Petley, Lorraine Tady, & Liz Trosper
Barry Whistler Gallery, Dallas TX
June 5 – July 31, 2021.
Here are some detail shots of the work that I took for my reference:
Kate Petley:
Liz Trosper:
Lorraine Tady: