around the web

Microsoft acquires Github -- what could possibly go wrong? Regardless, Sourceforge feels that congratulations are in order.

Good recap from Dave Winer on the essential sleaziness of G**gle's push to eliminate http (via cosmic)

VISA's "war on cash" suffers setback when VISA payment system fails. I didn't know that Visa "rolled out a new US initiative in the summer of 2017 that offered to award 50 eligible retail businesses...up to $10,000 each if they committed to refusing cash payments." That's disgusting.

Notes on Heartache and Chaos, James Howard Kunstler. Nothing "new" here but well written.

Tyler Kline virtual (?) sculpture


Tyler Kline, via twitter

This is a jpeg mini-review. Is this a virtual photo? A 3D printed object? Some hybrid of the two? What is the scale? No "materials" or dimensions are given. Regardless, it works for me as a piece, or a prospectus for one. Gestural energy, fecal texture, and quasi-crystalline structure merge into a hyperrealized idea of modernist sculpture. Like a '60s sf book cover in 3D space. The rectangular base suggests "sculpture" but also a painting surface from which this tangle of forms has somehow erupted. It's the kind of project I could imagine Frank Stella wanting to make, but always lacking the imagination or inner turmoil to achieve (Stella, in his "wrecked spaceship" period, mostly just artlessly clumps things together). The 3D sheen also gives the work a CGI horror movie vibe, a la Michael Bay Transformers. There is also a clone tool element, or a parody of the ease with which digital cloning allows the repetition of certain forms.