"Volt Variations Variations"

https://tommoody.bandcamp.com/track/volt-variations-variations (streaming version on bandcamp)

From my current release Similarity Engine


Another tune using "Volt," a strings-like preset from the E-Mu Orbit 9090 vintage synth module. Many of the same samples and sampler instruments were used as in the track "Volt Variations." Also heavily featured are a collection of 8-bit videogame emulating instruments from Socalabs (RP2A03, PAPU, SID, SN76489). The snare hits appropriated from a famous Detroit guy (played in Tracktion Waveform's Multi Sampler instrument) make an extended appearance. There is a brief middle section that uses snippets from a laptop jam with peef and fruitfly (hat tip joel cook).

The screenshot of the Tracktion Waveform DAW tells you little or nothing -- that is to say, as much as the wave file images that Soundcloud uses. It's a crude "indexical" record of the music.