roy edroso's zinger re: a. sullivan

From Edroso's Village Voice column on "rightbloggers":

It is something to consider how completely [Andrew] Sullivan flipped on Bush; in 2003 he was comparing him to Winston Churchill, and by 2007 he was comparing him to Neville Chamberlain. In the interval Bush himself hadn’t changed in any appreciable way, but a stink of failure did come upon him, which would be anathema to any careerist in his vicinity.


prints available

Plug: three of my drawings can be purchased in the Gazelli Art House online shop. Am very pleased to be rubbing retail shoulders with Archigram, Laura Brothers, and others.


"Nursery Rot"

"Nursery Rot" [mp3 removed -- please listen on Bandcamp]

The main synth voice here is a bit obnoxious -- like a Casio version of a someone's approximation of a ring-modulated trumpet. I just "went with it" and tried to build a short song around this timbre. The "lead" sounds are from sampler modules. A background theme running throughout is a sine and square wave "interleaved" and "bit-rotted" using the Segoh "bit rot" chip for Tiptop Audio's Z-DSP digital processing module. The drums are from various MIDI groove and sample kits in Linplug's RMV drum sampler (recently discontinued so now it's "vintage").