Surge Molecule (Video)



Video loop, 17 inch LCD screen, portable media player, SD card (installation view)

Notes: Thinking back to the "square screen" discussion, here is a screen with a 4:3 ratio, which is the only viable way to show this particular GIF-to-mp4 conversion in fullscreen. The irony is that to document it, you have to use 16:9 because that's what all the video hosting services are using now. The above GIF is a turducken of nested media: the frames started out as screen art, printed out, then photographed. The photos were combined into an animated GIF. The GIF was converted to mp4 so it could play accurately on the portable media player (at least I don't have to burn a DVD anymore). Then the looping video was shot with a mini-HD cam and converted to mp4 for upload to Vimeo. All this for a simple punk rock gesture.

Here is a 16:9 scrunched to 4:3 version of the same video [4.4 MB .mp4] with a permanent loop.