internet view from 2013

You can live in public, on the internet, without fear of surveillance or blowback, if you only post abstract art and music.
No pictures of yourself, no biographical details beyond searching, Van Gogh-like missives on the studio process.
This is a politically radical stance because you're (i) not consuming and (ii) not giving Them any data They can use.

If you want to discuss anything ordinarily considered political, or anything that deviates from Anglo-, Christian-, Feminist-. Etc- norms, you will have to choose your words so carefully that you will be practically speaking in code. As in the old Soviet Union, you speak ironically not because you're jaded but because They don't understand you.

For frank non-normative internet speech you are looking at navigating an ever-shifting array of dark sites and alternative platforms. Diaspora instead of Facebook, Duck Duck Go instead of Google, TOR (but not on Windows), Linux (but not with vPro & TXT CPUs), etc.

centrifuge enlargement


Was trying to "fix" an older video by substituting the above GIF for the one I used, which had fuzzy enlargement. These black-and-white fill patterns don't like to have sizes changed -- they go all moire. Even using "nearest neighbor" you have to exactly double the size to keep the pixels square. At least I did.
Without belaboring the details, I was able to capture the above as an .avi, but when I inserted it on the timeline with the original .avi I used for the DVD, I got strange artifacts in the final mixdown to .mp4. Not in the above clip but elsewhere in the video. Without the addition of the above, the .mp4 was clean.
I suppose I could take this problem to Rhizome for it's "refurbishing old tech" clinic. "Hi, I have this video from the dawn of time -- 2006 -- that can't be translated into the current hot social media file format of choice." It sounds pathetic. (I let the video stay as it was.)

the Dogma of silence

Have been working on projects that aren't particularly bloggable -- video, archiving/remaking DVDs, fooling around with a new computer with more video capability.
It's kind of stupid to keep posting links to Vimeos just for the sake of being a prolific blogger.
And goddam it I will not junk up 12 years of pristine text and pic bloggin' with a bunch of embed code stra-a-a-ining to pull up offsite Flash content like every other stinkin' website.
Am having some Dogma-like insights about video shooting, scoring, and editing that I'll want to talk about eventually.
In the meantime check out my bike ride on Vimeo.
Also, am posting "SD" (720 x 480) videos to my Screencast page [deleted 6/21/19] -- it's paid hosting which doesn't do any transcoding where I can create embeds for my barely-viewed "wider" blog.