

...from Ryz. Ouch.
"Gridhopper" was supposed to be a parody of multimedia journeys, guess I need to work on being even MORE desultory.



High fives to these glitch artists rattling the bars of our social media cages (have said that before).

"glitchr" showed up in my twitter timeline today, smearing a slug-trail of typography into other people's posts as I scrolled (commencing from a small puddle). Funny -- thanks, Petra, for RT-ing.

(The balance of Jon Williams' tweet says "really proud of my dad for bucking the youtube real name bullshit")

"Retro Synth Fantasy"

"Retro Synth Fantasy" [mp3 moved to Bandcamp]

Was testing out a new sound card and wanted to strain the connection, so this tune has fast parts, MIDI echo, and gratuitous high powered flanging. (The card passed.)
Also, this is done in 3/4 with slightly uneven measures.
The synth is Retrologue, a softsynth that ships with Cubase. Basically I like anything with chords.

Update: minor tweak near the end; reuploaded.