belated smear response

"Straw man" made me think of some random trash-talkin' last year I never dealt with. This is a comment I posted on today, in a thread where my name came up:

Will Brand claims "there was a guide a few years ago to arguing with Tom Moody that described the strawman accusation as cheap to produce and costly to disassemble." If Brand can produce this "guide" and provide some context I'll be happy to respond to the accusation. Secondhand reference to a disappointed person's attempt at satire seems about par for Brand, as a writing technique.

My criticisms of Brand got me perma-blocked as a commenter on Paddy Johnson's blog (this happened a couple of months ago). But it's like playing whack-a-mole to stay on top of his disinformation across the wide internet. I've been letting some of it slide.