untweeted tweets

what killed blogs: URL shorteners

dreamed i had a huge loft full of thrift store furniture and landlord started booking weekend parties in it without my knowledge

when criticism veers into biographical speculation it's less savory but can help to explain the canon (and/or bad art)

the NY art scene has more of everything and therefore more political art, end of story (not that we need more of it)

grad student hatches (feeble) scheme to shut down online arts org., applies for commission from same org., receives commission

a woman who shoved people on the airport bus kept yelling "this is america"

formerly reblogged

Am sure it's all an accident and will be rectified soon, but I keep discovering posts on Rhizome.org where my name has vanished. You'd almost think they were mad at me (!) but it has to do with reblog credits and commentary dropping off after the last rewrite. Maybe someone could note this on the Staff Blog.
Here is just one example of an "authorship mishap"; this is a post you can find currently on the site (click screenshot for link):


And here's what the post looked like when it first appeared five years ago (screenshot of saved HTML page):


For an organization dedicated to keeping art online, I know my friends at Rhizome will want to fix this. Otherwise I may have to submit the unexpurgated posts to 0DayArt for consideration.

Update: here is the formerly reblogged post.

Update 2: Rhizome has fixed the above post.

Update 3: Have checked a few old reblogged posts and the credits have been mostly restored, barring the usual link rot from the source posts. Am still investigating.



same GIF with lens flare by Michael Manning

Manning also wrote a book (well, it's actually a blog post that hasn't been written yet, but it would be a great book, as envisioned here):


This was inspired by a rant about all the "glitch" scene artists swapping ideas and recipes on Facebook instead of actively jamming the control system (a la the hacker spirit of yesteryear), thereby restoring individuality and freedom to 700,000,000 Borg units. That's my spin--no idea what Manning will actually write.

"Electro Suite No. 1"

"Electro Suite No. 1" [mp3 removed]

One of my occasional soundscape-type pieces. Instead of MIDI clock this is LFO-driven: the LFO wave triggers a kick drum sound that gets faster and faster until it's just a solid wall o'kicks. Various digital reverb and delay effects add some "atmo."