glitch collection via net and mail


Databent work by two fellow users, AGT528 (left) and Scotty2Hotty69, printed out, mailed, and installed in my studio. Scotty's was a purchase; AGT528's is a trade (haven't sent mine yet).
Am thinking here about circulation among screen-based art, "social media," mail, and objects in physical space (could give it a fancy name like "Dispersion" but the reader will be spared--well, maybe "capitalism lite").
I have some work by LoVid, John Pomara, and others acquired by similar means; the beginnings of a modest glitch collection. Cue academic essay with footnotes about creating hierarchies and leveraging them for institutional power; yet, something about these errors of representation being something to aggregate and preserve appeals: a kind of underground network of treasured discards, tokens of a shared belief in the phrase "stop making sense," an invisible city of fifth floor walkups connected by mail and AOL.

Update: See next post. The point of the above jpeg isn't to document two pieces (hence no links to high def details) but as a simple thought experiment to envision how screen based work could translate into a domestic environment. The Umbrico jpeg referenced in the next post does anticipate that you will click through to additional documentation but the jpeg itself says very little beyond communicating a sense of vastness.

our internet


WOWBROW via dumplr (a tumblr site that compiles content)

Now the next step is to send this image off to mainland China and have it painted on canvas by photorealistic artisans and--oh, wait, that would be really lame because it's an eight year old idea, at least, and the jpeg is just fine without the bogus commodifyin'.

Update: per andrej: "wowbrow is simon whybray (hi simon), drummer for TEETH and he made this as an idea for promo/album art. not sure if it's still going to be used or not (no reason not to, it's good). TEETH is a three person ensemble of Simon Veronica and Ximon who are in that order represented by the triumvirate of etotems (e-idols? iidols?)"

Update 2: Simon Whybray explains more: "This is a mockup of our new press photo. I want to recreate this image. I would be Tom, Veronica would be the 4 eyed girl, and I guess we'll have to find a wig and a backpack for Ximon."

Update 3: dumplr link fixed. No one told me!