Human Kibble Winter 2010 Catalog

Am participating in this fine publication/exhibition, just posted today:

Human Kibble Winter 2010 Catalog
A group GIF collaboration organized by Duncan Alexander

Collections by:
Fabien Mousse
Jennifer Chan
Jermaine Davis
Jeffrey Henderson
Luis GCN
Maxwell Paparella
Michael Manning
Mary Rachel Kostreva
Nick Marcus
Chris Shier
Stage Baker
Tom Moody

Am not sure if human kibble is dogfood for people or something like Soylent Green, but most products advertised in the catalog are not pet food. Mine were hardware--couplings and tool chests. The way the show worked is, Alexander posted real retail catalog pages that he found, and participants were asked to make GIFs of them. The pages were so middlebrow it was a serious challenge to think of anything creative to do with them. Mine are under-manipulated, but I wanted the essential banality of the original layouts to shine through.

Update: Sentences reordered for journalistic "flow."

Update 2: JO says Human Kibble is a reference to Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?--haven't read it in a while, will hunt for an excerpt.

You Can Quit Anytime

Speaking of quitting Facebook, here are a couple of blog posts from one who did, programmer/entrepeneur Barry Hoggard:

Article in PC World on Facebook privacy

I deleted my Facebook account today

These posts are chockablock with links to other articles about how unbelievably bad Facebook is, if you care about your privacy at all. Hoggard, as someone who joined in '07 and quit after three years, has more authority than those of us who never signed up, who could be written off as "old" and/or web-inept by the terminally thick. But allow me to lecture you anyway: even before the site blew open all its privacy doors it sounded iffy, as in, all these people saying "We're getting a Facebook group together to save Indonesian hardwoods"--what guarantee did they have that their personal data wasn't being "shared" with the International Mahogany Trade Association and Death Squad? The idea of taking your politics to a glorified dating site always seemed incredibly naive. And as for artists uploading all their creative work to a site that was going to (a) convert it to crappy jpegs and (b) keep it forever on servers beyond your control, excuse me, but: Dorks R Us.